The Droom en Daad Foundation was founded in 2016. It is helping redefine Rotterdam for the 21st century - developing new kinds of arts and culture institutions and fostering new creative talent that reflects the city’s diversity, its spirit and its history.


Thank you for your interest in Droom en Daad. We do not accept applications. If your inquiry involves a request for funding, we would like to refer you to Rotterdamse Fondsen, art and culture grants of the municipality of Rotterdam and voordekunst.

Stichting Droom en Daad is a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI). Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI).

The Droom en Daad Foundation was founded in 2016. It is helping redefine Rotterdam for the 21st century - developing new kinds of arts and culture institutions and fostering new creative talent that reflects the city’s diversity, its spirit and its history.

Cultural projects of Droom en Daad

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FENIX, a new museum inspired by stories of global migration, will open on a landmark site in Rotterdam’s City Harbour in 2025.

visit the website

het Park

In collaboration with the municipality of Rotterdam, the city’s most beautiful park is undergoing a major renovation, and a Park Foundation has been established for the programming and management of this national monument.

visit the website

Supported initiatives